
Crypto for Beginners - The Wakanda Ciphers

Welcome back Hackers, I’ve created a CTF room on TryHackMe specifically tailored for crypto beginners. In this blog post, I will just share a resolution writeup for the CTFs. But before we start, we invite you to join our vibrant Hacking Journey community on Discord! Connect with like-minded hackers, share your experiences, and get ready for more thrilling challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, there’s a place for you in our community. Let’s learn, explore, and hack together. Join us on Discord here.

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You are provided with a hexadecimal string. Your task is to convert this hexadecimal string into its base64 equivalent. The flag is the value in base64 of the given hexadecimal string.


>>> import base64
>>> hexa = "72bca9b68fc16ac7beeb8f849dca1d8a783e8acf9679bf9269f7bf"
>>> var = bytes.fromhex(hexa)
>>> flag = base64.b64encode(var)
>>> print(flag)
  • We convert the hexadecimal string hexa into a sequence of bytes using the bytes.fromhex() method. This step is essential because Base64 encoding operates on binary data.
  • Next, we encode the binary data (var) into Base64 format using the base64.b64encode() method. This process converts the binary data into a text-based representation that is safe for use in various contexts, such as in URLs.
  • Finally, we print the encoded result, which is the Base64 representation of the original hexadecimal data.


You have been given an encoded message that has been reversed. Your task is to reverse the message back to its original form to reveal the flag.

Cipher: }r3hp1C_v3R_yb4B{MHT


>>> flag = "}r3hp1C_v3R_yb4B{MHT"
>>> reversed = flag[::-1]
>>> print(reversed)
  • To solve it, First we define a variable flag.The line reversed = flag[::-1] is used to reverse the characters in the flag string. This is achieved by using Python’s slicing notation with a step value of -1 ([::-1]). This effectively reverses the order of characters in the string.

Wakanda Atbash

Welcome to this cryptography challenge! 🕵️‍♂️ You’ve stumbled upon a mysterious string: EVsMv0U0BnUazU8cx180J2odzWMbuJl=. But beware, it’s not just any cipher. 🤫 Explore it carefully to uncover the type of cipher used and decrypt it to reveal the hidden message.


As we heard that, this EVsMv0U0BnUazU8cx180J2odzWMbuJl= is an atbash cipher. We Have Just to google it and we will find Online Tools to decode That for US. Online tools Here Now you have just to Google it and then find an online decoder to decode it. Then after Decoding it, We got VEhNe0F0YmFzaF8xc180Q2lwaDNyfQo= it’s seems like an base64 Cipher.

└─# base=VEhNe0F0YmFzaF8xc180Q2lwaDNyfQo=
└─# echo $base | base64 -d               

Two Hex Cipher

🤯 It’s like discovering a hidden treasure chest in your own backyard. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to decipher the encrypted message and uncover the hidden gem within!


This 3vs3ej3f46hr4a76cf5m61934qf5ck6876731rr5gu2z76l9 is a TwinHex Cipher. To decode it Google can Help to find other online tools. You Can use this : Decode Twin Hex Then found : THM{N0w_You_kn0w_wh4tX_XXXX}

Rot in 13

In this challenge, you’ll encounter a message that has been encoded using the ROT13 cipher, a simple letter substitution technique. Your task is to decode the message and reveal the hidden information. cipher : R1Vae0UwZ18xM19zMGVfTzN0dmFhcmV9Cg==


First the cipher is a base64 cipher. we will convert it

└─# base=R1Vae0UwZ18xM19zMGVfTzN0dmFhcmV9Cg==
└─# echo $base | base64 -d

Now we got GUZ{E0g_13_s0e_O3tvaare}. a rot13 Cipher.

  • To decode it you can use Online tools, or Command line. ```terminal ┌──(root㉿1337)-[/home/bloman/Blog] └─# rot=GUZ{E0g_13_s0e_O3tvaare}

┌──(root㉿1337)-[/home/bloman/Blog] └─# echo $rot | rot13 THM{R0t_13_f0r_B3XXXX} ```

The World of M0rs3 C0de

In the world of Morse Code, a classic method of communication through dots and dashes! In this challenge, you’ll encounter a secret message that has been encoded using Morse Code. Your mission is to decipher the Morse Code and reveal the hidden message. -- ----- .-. ... ..... ..--.- ..-. ----- .-. ..--.- -- ----- ... -


Morse code is a communication system that uses a series of dots and dashes (or short and long signals) to represent letters, numbers, and symbols. To solve it You can improve your coding skills on it, or use online tools: flag is not in THM format M0RS5_F0R_XXXX Best online Tools for Crypto: CyberChef Cryptii Dcode Multi Decoder Sleuth

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Thanks for reading. Let’s learn, explore, and hack together. Join us on Discord here.

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